仪表端庄,相貌堂堂? No!有一颗热爱健康,自然,绿色生活的心。
才高八斗,学富五车? No!填写我们的摊主报名表,有一份具体的售卖商品名录(也可以在我们的备选商家中挑选,但需要你自行完成后续的联络、进货、议价等事宜)或创意。
风姿绰约,男神女神? No!有时间有耐心配合后期的场地布置和宣传推广中,并且可以在4月12号Openday上全程参与乐活市集活动。
1. 桌子和遮阳篷
2. 统一的宣传
3. 如果需要,市集将统一提供可降解塑料袋或纸袋
1. 布置好摊位,做好摊主
2. 在规定时间递交我们所需要的材料
3. 遵循环保理念,减少一切不必要的包装和宣传
4. 与我们一起向赶集者普及乐活理念
1. 由于市集是公益性质的,我们不收取摊主任何形式的费用,但也不能提供任何交通、住宿及餐饮等方面的补贴,希望距离较远的申请者慎重考虑。
2. 根据学校开放日的规定,我们需要减少商业色彩。对于有品牌宣传性目的的商家(包括淘宝店、网站等)我们将在摊位上提供统一大小及格式的宣传展台,分发代金券、宣传册等行为是不被允许的。谢谢您的配合!
Nottingham Green Fair isa non-profit eventhosted by the university organisation HealthyU, to promote and advocate a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. It will take place on 12th April, which is the university's open day to the public. At the Green Fair, you can buy green-labelled food and commodities, exchange your second-hand goods or join one of ourhands-on workshops, to give you a taste of LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability)---an attitude that has it's origins in natural and healthy thinking.
What we will provide you for free:
1. Tables and awning
2. Promotion
3. If needed, we will provide bio-degradable bags
What you need to do:
1. Decorate your stall and be the best stall holder you can!
2. Hand in materials we ask for in time.
3. Reduce unnecessary packaging and promotion.
4. Help us to promote the idea of LOHAS.
1. The Green Fair is a non-profit event. There is no charge for a stall, but please note we cannot provide any contribution towards stall-holders costs such as , accomodation and food. Applicants who are travelling long distances please be aware of this fact.
2. The university open day has regulated every activity to be less commercialized. For people who want to promote certain brand names (i.e. to draw customer into their online platforms such as Taobao stores and websites), we will provide a demonstration board for each stallwhich use the unified format. We appreciate your understanding and corporation.
We want all the stall holders to help us promote the great idea of green lifestyle. If you have interest in the LOHAS lifestyle and want topromote this way of lifeusing any of your own ways or sell products at the Green Fair, you are welcome to join us. If you want to be a stall holder, please fill in the followingform and we will get back to you within 2 weeks. The end of the application is 25th March.
更多信息 More Info:
邮箱Email: unncgreenfair@163.com
Q1:姓名 Name
Q2:年龄 Age
Q3:手机 Mobile
Q4:电子邮箱 Email
Q5:售卖商品类别 Types of your products
有机食品与本地农场 Organic FoodLocal Farm
健康零食与创意美食 Original Snacks
创意手工 Handicrafts
绿色创意用品 Green Design
天然护肤 Natural Skin Care
园艺用品 Garden Supplies
运动周边 Sports
其他 Others
不打算售卖商品有其他推广乐活的方式 We don't plan to sell things, but have better ideas to promote LOHAS
Q6:是否有完整的商品名录及摆摊策划Do you have a list of products and the description of the product display?
是 Yes
否 No
Q7:请问您将以什么身份成为市集摊主?Which type of stall holder will you be?
商家 (请填写名称)Business (Please specify the name)
学生创业Student business
NGO或其他组织None-profit or other organisations and groups
其他 Others
Q8:请您对于自己和即将售卖的产品做一个简短的介绍,说说它为什么符合乐活理念?Could you tell us a bit more about youself andwhat you are going to sell? To what extent it suits our theme of LOHAS?
Q9:你即将售卖的商品是否有特定品牌,需要宣传推广?Do the products you sell belong to a specific brand that needs promotion?
是 Yes (请填写品牌信息 Please specify)
否 No
Q10:您的英文水平?How is your English?
高级 Advanced
中级 Intermediate
初级 Beginner
不会 None
Q11:从什么渠道得知本次活动Where did you get the information of this activity?
HealthyU微信 Wechat
海报 Poster
朋友推荐 Friends
微博 Weibo
豆瓣 Douban
其他 Others
Q12:由于摊位数量有限,如果不能顺利成为摊主,愿不愿意在4月13日成为我们市集的志愿者呢?Due to the limited number of stalls we can provide, if you are unfortunately unable to become one of them, do you want to join us as a volunteer?
Q13:如果你售卖的东西并不是很符合我们的预期,你仍然愿意成为摊主,售卖我们推荐的产品吗?If the products you are going to sell dose not fit our theme very much, do you still want to sell brands and products that we would recommend?
是 Yes
否 No
Q14:你对本次宁波诺丁汉乐活市集还有什么意见或想法吗?我们会细心改正,做得更好。Any Comments for this UNNC Green Fair? We will appreciate your ideas.
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