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科普小知识 2023-11-14 10:23:03






1.Some students get _____ when they watch _____ English movies.

A.frustrated;frustrated B.frustrated;frustrating

C.frustrating;frustrating D.frustrating;frustrated

2.I study math by ____ lots of exercises。

A .did B.doing C.do D.does

3.一Are you afraid of _____ at home,Linda?

一No,I've grown up.

A.alone B.being alone C.1onely D.being lonely

4.一Mr. Wang,I have trouble _____ the text.

一Remember _______ it three times at least.

A.to understand;reading B.understanding;reading

C.understanding; to read D.to understand;to read

5.Maria _ ______ shy but now she is quite outgoing.She has made lots of friends.

A.was used to be B.is used to be

C.was used to being D.used to be

6.Don’t worry ________ him.He isn’t young ______.

A.about;no longer B.for;no longer

C.for;any longer D.about;any longer

7.His parents were worried that he ______ too much time watching TV.

A.spent B.cost C.paid D.had

8.The air pollution in this area caused the _____ of many trees.

A.die B.died C.death D.dead

9.This photo often makes me______ of nay teachers in the primary school.

A.think B.to think C.thinks D.thinking

10.Li Ming is in poor health.He should pay more attention __ ____ exercise.

A.to take B.to taking C.for taking D.in taking

11.一I want to know if your wife will go to the party.

一If your wife _____,so _______.

A .does:does she B.will;will mine

C.does,will mine D.will,will I.

12.Bill said they would have ______ holiday.

A.a two-month B.two months C.two-months D.two month’s

13.Twelve-year-olds should not ______ to drive in China.

A.allow B.be allow C.be allo wed D.allowed

14.Teenagers shouldn’t get ears______。

A.pierce B.pierced C.piercing D.to pierce

15.Spending too much time on hobbies can get _____ of teenager’s study.

A.on the way B.in they way C.by the way D.in way

16.There are more than two _______ languages spoken in Nigeria.

A.hundreds B.hundreds of C.hundred D.hundred of

17.一Would you please tell me _______ next?

一Think it over.You’ll find a good way.

A.when to do B.how to do C.What to do D.where to do

18.一How wonderfully Jim is swimming in the pool!

一It ____ be Jim.He is ill in bed now.

A.needn’t B.don’t C.mustn’t D.can’t

19.一Where is Xiao Ling?

一She ________ in her bedroom,but I'm not sure.

A.must be B.mustn’t be C.maybe D.maybe

20.There _______ be something wrong with my bike.It doesn’t work.

A.can B.must C.may D.need


If you were in trouble,what would you do? Would you wait,ask for help or 2l it by yourself? Once,a terrible food(水灾)destroyed(毁坏)a village.A man was trapped(困住)in the flood.The water was all around him in front of house, 22 he was not very scared because he always believed in God.tie thought God was coming for his safety.At that moment,a big wooden board came.If he caught it,the board would 23 him out,but the man kept waiting for God.He didn’t take a(n) 24 at it at all.Then a small boat drifted(漂流)by,but the man still kept waiting and did nothing.The water was deeper and deeper.The two people in another boat were 25 him and shouted to him,“ Come on and go with us!” But the 26 man stayed there and kept waiting for God.

You can guess the result easily.The man died in the end.When he saw God in heaven,he complained to God,“ 27 didn’t you save me?” God said he had tried to save him.The big wooden board,the small 28 ,and the two men were all the things that he had sent to help him,but the man 29 them.From tiffs we can see that God helps those who help 30 .If you don’t help yourself God won’t help you,either。

21.A.cause B.deal C.solve D.aid

22.A.and B.but C.so D.though

23.A.keep B.1et C.help D.allow

24.A。pride B.1ook C.attention D.decision

25.A.o ffered B.worried about C.thanked D.treated

26.A.bad B.friendly C.confident D.poor

27.A.Why B.When C.Where D.Who

28.A.house B.wood C.boat D.child

29.A.received B.refused C.hated D.1oved

30.A.themselves B.herself C.himself D.yourselves



31.Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai in July,1983.He’s a great sportsman.

32.Ma Ji was born in Beijing in l934.He was a famous crosstalk master.(相声大师)

33.Yang Liwei was born in Liaoning Province.He has a happy family.He loves his wife and his son.

34.Wang Xuan was born in l937.He graduated from Beijing University in l958.

35.Lu Xun was a great writer.He had deep eyes,thick moustache(小胡子)and short hair.

A.He used to be an excellent pilot with experience o f l350 hours’ flight.He is the first astronaut who flew in space in China,He has a dream that is to step on the moon.We arc proud of him!

B.He did well in satirizing social problems and praising heroes.He not only inherited and developed the crosstalk,but also created his own art style.He contributed a lot to China’s crosstalk art.

C.He used to be dressed in a long suit.He smoked a lot while he was in deep thought.He hated the enemy, but he loved the people very deeply.He wrote a lot of novels and articles to fight against the enemy bravely.

D.As a boy,he entered the children’s sports school and received a lot of strict training under his coach Sun Haiping.He won the gold medal in the l1O-meter hurdles at the 28th Athens Olympic Games.

E.He devoted all his lire to his research work.The Success of his technique brought about a complete change in the Chinese printing industry He was awarded as the yearly top scientist in 2001.


Are you allowed to work part—time at your school? Are you allow ed to change the color of your hair?

There are a lot of school rules around the world.For example,in Australia.Canada,Japan and the United States,students have to wear school uniforms.In A ustralia,Japan and the United States students are not allowed to wear earrings.

In Canada and Japan,students are not allowed to arrive late for schoo1.In Australia.Iran and the United States,students are not allowed to run in the hallways.

In the United States,students must not bring alcohol to schoo1.In Canada、Japan and the United States.students are not allowed to smoke.Some schools in Japan and the United States have rules about drugs.Students must not use drugs or bring them to schoo1.Some schools in the United States have rules about weapons.Students must not use weapons at schoo1.

Some schools in Japan and other countries have rules about hair.For example,student s are not al lowed to change the color of their hair.In the United States,boys couldn’t have their hair grow long.

For s afety at some US schools,students must have a pair of indoor shoes to change into at school every day.This makes sure students won’t fall over the wet floors and keeps the schools clean.

Gum chewing is not allowed in many US school buildings,as it is difficult to clean up.And if students chew gum in class,they may not pay much attention to their studies.

In most foreign countries,school students are allowed to work part—time and give their hair different colors.But differently, Japanese school students are not allowed to work part-time or change the color of their hair.

36.In this passage the writer mentions ________ countries.

A.four B .five C.six D.three

37.Students in Australia,Japan and the US are not allowed to _______.

A.arrive late for school B.wear schoo1 uniforms

C.wear earrings D.run in the hallways.

38.Some schools in ________ have rules about drugs.

A.the US and Canada B.Canada and Australia

C.Iran and the US D.the US and Japan

39.In some Us schools students have to wear indoor shoes ________.

A. for fun B.for safety

C.to keep the floor clean D.both B and C

40.Which is not true according to the passage?

A.In most foreign countries.school students are allowed to work part—time。

B.In Japan,school students are not allowed to make their hair colorful.

C.In the US.school boys can have their hair grow long.

D.In the US.school students are not allowed to chew gum in some school buildings.


Typhoons(台风)are some of the worst storms,usually around the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea.

Most happen in July, August and September.

How does a typhoon happen? When lots of seawater gets hot in the summer sun.it evaporates into the air.This makes the air hotter.When the air gets warm enough,it starts to move higher up into the sky.The cooler air around it rushes in.It fills the space that is left.After the air gets warmer,it starts to move quickly, making wind.The wind goes in circles,and it keeps moving higher in the sky.The warmer the air gets.the quicker the wind moves.And when the wind moves faster than 30 meters a second,a typhoon begins。

A typhoon has two parts.One is called the “eye”.In the eye.the wind does not move so fast。The other pail is the wall of clouds around the eye.This is where the strongest winds and heaviest rains are.

Typhoons are very dangerous.In 2004,Typhoon Yunna killed l 64 people in Zhejiang,and 24 people were missing.In May 2006,Typhoon Pearl hit Guangdong and Fujian,and thousands of houses were damaged.

What to do when a typhoon happens?

Close all the windows and stay away from them.

Try to bring all of your things inside.Strong winds could even blow away your bikes.

Listen to the radio or TV for important information.

If you are told to go to a safer place,do so right away.

41.The underlined word “evaporate” in the second paragraph probably means ____.

A.消逝 B.飘荡 C.蒸发 D.旋转

42.When a typhoon happens,the speed of the wind depends on ______.

A.how cold the air gets B.how warm the air gets

C.how many mountains there are D.how much seawater there is

43.In a typhoon,the strongest winds and heaviest rains are in ______.

A.the eye of the typhoon B.the wall of seawater

C.between the wall of clouds and the eye. D.the wall of clouds around the eye

44.What shouldn’t we do when a typhoon happens?

A.Try to bring all of our things inside

B.Try to gel more important information

C.Stay at home though We’re told to go to a safer place,

D.Stay away from the windows after closing them

45.According to the passage,which is the right order that a typhoon happens?

a.The winds are moving with great speed.

b.The sun beats down on the sea.

c.The hot water turns into the clouds.

d.The water gets hot.

e.The clouds get big and start to move.

A.bdcea B.bcaed C.dcbae D.dbace



1.I know the p_____ of the word,but I don’t know how to spell it。

2.She was t______ of the snakes When he was young.

3.Some people make friends by c____ with others online.

4.Teenagers should have a part—time job during the holiday.It will be a good e____ for them.

5.Every one knows the i_____ of learning English at present.We should work hard at it.

6.Working hard can help us a_____ o ur dreams.

7.The kind marl gave all his money to the m____ research.

8.Most of the writers read so many books.They are k_____.They know everything.

9.Tom’s house is opp osite to ours,we are n________.

10.Mr. Smith isn’t in his office.he has P_______ gone home.


1.They decided _________(not talk)to each other anymore.

2.I would also rather _______(stay)at home than _______(go)to a party.

3.If it ______(be)fine,We would go for a picnic.

4.Let’s play soccer instead of _______(swim).

5.What if it ________(rain)when we don’t take umbrella?

6.I can’t decide which sweater _______(buy).

7.Reading is _______(help)to your studies.

8.I don’t know if it _______(rain),if it______(rain),I will stay at home,

9.He practice_____(speak)English every day to improve his_______(speak)English.

10.He stayed up last night,so he looks _______(sleep)and tired.

11.The drivers should take the ____(drive)license with them on the road.

12.The ______(own)should keep their _______(own)things.

13.The little girl can look after her brother by ______(her).

14.The failure is the mother of ______(succeed).

15.People should put the _____(burn)area under the cold _____(run)water.


1.Neither Tom nor Jack read yesterday’s newspaper.(改为同义句)

Tom didn’t read yesterday’s newspaper,________ ______Jack.

2.The question is too difficult for US to answer.(同义句转换)

The question is _______ _______ _______ for us to answer.

3.Jim used to help his parents to do the housework(对划线部分提问)

What ______ Jim _____ to ________?

4.It seems that she is worrying about her daughter.(改为同义句)

She seem is ________ ________ ________ her daughter.

5.He should do his homework by himself(改为被动语态)

His homework ________ ________ ________ by himself.


He _______ in ________ the English test at last.


I think _______ lots of _______ practice ______ one of the ________.


你的好友韩阳英语学得很好,尤其是口语。最近她发给你电子邮件说她要代表班级 参加英语演讲比赛,她不想让大家失望,但她很害羞,不敢在很多人前表现自如,请你写一封回信帮她解决心理顾虑。




要求:行文流畅,脉络清晰, 字迹工整,80词左右。

Dear Hanyang,

I’m very happy to know from your e-mail that _________________________________




Wish you happy and good luck!










l.pronunciation 2.terrified 3.chatting 4.experience 5.importance

6.achieve 7.Medical 8.knowledgeable 9.neighbors 10.possibly


l.not to talk 2.stay go 3.were 4.swimming 5.rains

6.to buy 7.helpful 8.will rain,rains 9.speaking spoken 10.sleepy

11.driver’s 12.owner own 13.herself 14.success 15.burned running


l.Neither/Nor did 2.not;easy;enough 3.did;use do

4.to worry about 5.should be done

6.succeeded;passing 7.doing;listening is secrets