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科普小知识 2023-11-19 20:29:33


Instructions:There are 18 questions.Please read the following situations. After each situation you will be asked to a response in the blank after ‘you’. Respond as you would answer in actual conversation.

Please answer in Chinese!!

These questions just for investigation, Thank you for your cooperation!


男 Male

女 Female




菲律宾 Republic of the Philippines

中国 China

Q4:是否华人(Are you Filipino Chinese?)

是 Yes


Q5:母语(First language)

菲律宾语 Tagalog

英语 English

汉语 Chinese

Q6:学习汉语时间(How long have you learned Chinese?)


Q7:在中国居住时间(How long have you been China?)


Q8:你的老师想向你借一本书,你想拒绝,你会怎么说呢?If your teacher want to borrow a book from you, but you don’t want to lend her, what should you say to refuse?老师:请问可以把这本书借给我吗?Teacher: can I borrow this book?你(You):________________________________________________________________________


Q9:假如你是老板,你买水果时忘记带钱了,你的员工要帮你付,你想拒绝,你会怎么说呢?If you were boss, you are buying fruits but forget your wallet with you, your staff wants to pay for you, what should you say to refuse? 员工:老板,我帮你付。Staff: Hi, I can pay for you.你(You):________________________________________________________________________


Q10:你的同学向你借相机,但你不想借给他。你会怎么拒绝你的同学?Your classmate want toborrow your camera, but you don’t want to do so, what should you say to refuse? 同学:可以把相机借给我吗?Classmate: Can I borrow your camera?你(You):________________________________________________________________________


Q11:你的老师邀请你去他家吃中国菜,但你不想去,你会怎么拒绝你的老师?Your teacher invite you to have Chinese food at her home, but you don’t want to do so, what should you say to refuse her?老师:今天晚上很多同学会来我家吃中国菜,希望你也能来。teacher: I have invited lots of students to have Chinese food at my home tonight, and I hope you can come too.你(You):________________________________________________________________________


Q12:你在图书馆借了很多书,很重。你的老师看见了,要帮你拿,你想拒绝,你会怎么说呢?You have borrowed many books in library, your teacher want to help you because they are heavy, what should you say to refuse your teacher? 老师:我来帮你拿吧。Teacher: Ithink maybe I can help you.你(You):________________________________________________________________________


Q13:假如你是老板,你的员工邀请你参加他们的聚会,但你不想去。你会怎么拒绝你的员工?If you were boss, your staff invite you to their party but you don’t want to go, what should you say to refuse? 员工:老板,你愿意来参加我们今晚的聚会吗?Staff: Hi, do you like come to the party tonight?你(You):________________________________________________________________________


Q14:假如你是老板,你的员工请求你把平板电脑借给她。你想拒绝,你会怎么说呢?If you were boss, your staff ask you to borrow your Ipad, but you don’t want to do so, how can you refuse?员工:老板,我想查一下邮件,可以把你的平板电脑借给我吗?Staff: Hi, I want to check my email,can I borrow your Ipad?你(You):________________________________________________________________________


Q15:天气很冷,你只穿了一件短袖。你的同学要把自己的外套借给你,你想拒绝,你会怎么说呢?You only wear a T-shirt in a cold day, your classmate want to borrow his coat to you, what should you say to refuse?同学:天太冷了,穿我的衣服吧。Classmate: It is cold,do you want put on my coat? .你(You):________________________________________________________________________


Q16:你的同学邀请你一起去酒吧,但你不想去。你会怎么拒绝你的同学?Your classmate invite you to pub,but you don’t want to do so, what should you say to refuse?同学:明天是我的生日,我们一起去酒吧吧?Classmate: Hi, tomorrow is my birthday, do you want go pub with us?你(You):________________________________________________________________________


Q17:你在图书馆,一位陌生同学想借你一支笔,你要拒绝,你会怎么说呢?In the library, a stranger want to borrow a pen from you, but you don’t want to lend him. what should you say to refuse?陌生人:你可以借我一支笔吗?Stranger:Excause me! Can I borrow this pen?你(You):________________________________________________________________________


Q18:你的妹妹请求你买条新裙子给她,你要拒绝,你会怎么说呢?Your sister ask you to buy a new dress for her, but you don’t want to do so, how can you refuse?妹妹:送我一条新裙子好吗?Sister: Can you buy a new dress for me?你(You):_______________________________________________________________________
