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Wifi Survey

科普小知识2022-09-14 23:54:13


Q1:Gender: 您的性别?

Male 男

Female 女

Q2:Your Age: 您的年龄?

Below 21 21岁以下




Above 50 50岁以上

Q3:How frequent do you visit Macau? 您多久会来一次澳门?

Weekly 每周

Monthly 每月

Quarterly 每季度

Yearly 每年

I have never been to Macau 从来没有来过澳门

Q4:What is (are) the purpose(s) of visiting Macau? 您来澳门的目的是什么?

Shopping 购物

Entertainment (non-gambling events or performances) 娱乐(不包括赌博活动和表演)

Sightseeing 观光

Gambling 赌博

Foodbeverage 美食美酒

Q5:How important is a Wifi service to you when you travel to Macau? 当您来澳门旅行的时候,无线网络服务对你有多重要?

Very important 非常重要

Somewhat important 有点重要

No more or less important 无所谓

Not important 不重要

I do not use complimentary Wifi service at all 我从来不使用无线网络

Q6:What purposes do you use the internet (Wifi) on your devices for? (Select all that apply)您用您的手机或者无线设备登陆无线网络的目的是什么?(可多选)

Check travel information 查看旅行信息

Contact friends by IM apps (WeChat, WhatsApp, QQ, etc) 用聊天工作和好友联系(微信、whatsaap、qq等)

Social Media activities (Weibo, Facebook, Instagram etc) 使用社交网站(微博、facebook、instagram等)

Work 工作用途

Check emails 查看邮件

Watch videos 观看视频

Watch news 查看新闻

Online games 在线游戏

Q7:What do you feel if you get a promotional message pop up after you log on a complimentary Wifi at a property? 当您登陆免费的无线网络之后收到一条弹出的促销信息,您会觉得如何?

Very attractive 非常吸引

Somewhat attractive 有点吸引

No more or less attractive 无所谓

Not attractive 不吸引

Feel annoying 感到反感

Q8:How would a pop up promotional message influence your usage of complimentary Wifi service at a property? 使用无线网络时弹出促销信息会对你有什么影响吗?

I would use the complimentary Wifi service and check out the promotional messages. 我还是会用无线网络,也会查看促销信息

I would use the complimentary Wifi service without checking out the promotional messages.我还是会用无线网络,但是不会查看促销信息

I would not to use the complimentary Wifi service because of the promotional messages.我不会使用该无线网络因为有促销信息

Q9:What kinds of promotional message would you be interesting in? (Select all that apply)什么内容的促销信息你会感兴趣?(可多选)

Practical information (weather, exchange rate) 实用信息(天气,汇率)

Information on promotions and discounts 折扣和促销信息

Gaming information 赌博信息

Accommodation information 住宿信息

Shopping information 购物信息

Local information on foodbeverage 本地美食美酒信息

Macau events 澳门活动

Scenic spots information 观看景点信息