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科普小知识2022-12-03 20:11:09

亲爱的国际友人:您好! 我们是重庆南开中学高一年级的学生,想做一份有关您在重庆生活状况的调查,烦请您抽出一些宝贵的时间,来完成这份问卷。您的观点将代表众多与您一样的国际友人的观点。此次调查不记名,也绝对不会做出任何泄露您隐私的事情,请您放心填写,我们将感激不尽!:)

Dear Sir or Madam:

Hello! We are senior high school students from NanKai secondary school.We want to make an investigate about your life. Please spend several minutes filling out this questionnaire.Your opinion willrepresent many international friends with the same point of view of you!Please fill out the questionnaire with peace of mind,for the surv-ey is anonymous. Wewill alsoguarantee your privacy and will not leak.It is our plea-sure to receive your reply:)

Q1:您的性别 Your gender

男 Male

女 Female

Q2:您的年龄 Your age

20岁以下 under 20

20—30岁 20—30

30—40岁 30—40

40—50岁 40—50

五十岁以上 over the age of 50

Q3:您来自哪个国家/地区 Which country/region are you from?

亚洲地区 Asia

欧美地区 Europe and America

拉丁美洲地区 Latin America

非洲地区 Africa

大洋洲地区 Oceania

Q4:您的职业Your profession

农、林、牧、渔、水利业 Agriculture, Forestry, Animal husbandry, Fisheries and Water conservancy

卫生、体育和社会福利事业Public health, sports,social welfare

工业 Industry

教育、文化艺术和广播电视业Education, Culture and Arts, Radio and Television

建筑业 Building industry

科学研究和综合技术服务业 Scientific Research,Technical Services

交通运输业、邮电通信业 Transportation, post and telecommunications industry


商业、公共饮食业、物资供应和仓储业 Commercial, Public catering, Material supply,Warehousing industry

国家机关、党政机关和社会团体State agencies, Government agencies,Community groups

房地产管理、公用事业、居民服务和咨询服务业 Real estate management, Public utilities, Residential services,Consulting services


无 Workless

其他(请具体写出)Other work (Please write the specific)

Q5:来重庆的理由 The reason that you come to Chongqing

工作需要、家庭关系 Work requirements(Operational needs),Family relationships

深入学习中国文化,学习汉语 Depth study of Chinese culture and learning Chinese

旅游观光,社会考察Tourism, Social visits

喜欢这个国家和城市,选择在此生活Love the country and the city,so choose to live here

其他(请具体写出) Other reasons (Please write the specific)

Q6:在重庆生活多久了How long have you been in Chongqing?

半年以下 under six months

半年—1年 six months to one year

1—2年 1 to 2 years

2—5年 2 to 5 years

5—10年5 to 10 years

10年以上 More than a decade

Q7:对重庆的什么最感兴趣(多选题) What are you most interested in Chongqing?(multiple choice)

饮食文化 Food Culture

风景名胜 Scenery andAttractions

名俗文化 Folk Culture

人情性格 Human personality

其他(请具体写出)Other points (Please write the specific)

Q8:来重庆生活之后的主要收获(多选题)What have you gained during living in Chongqing?(multiple choice)

学习到了中国文化,对中国和重庆这个城市有更深入的理解 Have learned Chinese culture and have a deeper understanding of the city and China.

学习掌握了一部分汉字,能够在一定程度上与中国人交流Have mastered some Chinese characters.Can more or less communicate with Chinese people.

结实了不少志同道合的中国朋友Meetlike-minded Chinese friends.

找到了自己心仪的另一半,在这里组建了家庭Find your own favorite of the other half and started a family.

体验到了在华生活的氛围,体验了当地独有的文化、人情风貌Experience the atmosphere of life in China.Experiencethe unique local culture and human style.

对中国的国际化和发展有了亲身体会,对这个国家的前景有了更多自己的看法Have personal experiencedChina's internationalization and development.Have more own viewsofprospects for the country.

其他(请具体写出)Other points (Please write the specific)

Q9:感觉生活在这里有什么不适应的地方(对于当地人、文化差异、汉语学习的不适应等)如果有,请写下。Do you have trouble adjusting to life here?(do not adaptlocal people,culturaldifferences,Chineselearningetc.)If you do,please write down.


Q10:是否选择继续留在重庆 For living in Chongqing,willyouchoosetostayorgo?



不一定,看情况 Don't know.Depend oncircumstances.

Q11:相较于在原来的国家生活时,来重庆生活一段时间后您对这个城市乃至对整个中国的印象或者认识有了怎样的转变?Compared withtheoriginalstate oflife,after living in Chongqingfor a period of time,what kinds of changes do you have of thinking of the city and whole China?


Q12:最喜欢重庆的什么美食?What kinds of food do you like best in Chongqing?

重庆小面Chongqing spicy noodles

火锅 Hot pot

毛血旺 Duck blood in chili sauce

豆花 Tofu pudding

辣子鸡 Peppery chicken

其他(请具体写出)Other foods (Please write the specific)