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科普小知识2022-12-11 10:36:48

欢迎参加本次答题话语分析调查问卷感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间协助我们的调查,我们保证不会透露您的个人信息,请放心填写,预祝您在期末考试中取得好成绩!性别: 院系: 年级: 联系方式:为了进一步了解您的话语分析能力请您耐心完成以下英语小测试根据以下不同的语境条件,首先判断A, B, C, D中哪一个是最前当的

Q1:1. 一天,一位美国女士不小心撞到魏琳。(One day, when an American lady accidentally bumped into Wei Lin.)Lady: I’m terribly sorry.Wei:

A) It doesn’t matter.

B) Never mind.

C) That’s all right.

D) Don’t worry.

Q2:2.在一次英语讲座前,一位中国学生自愿上前把黑板擦干净后。(Before an English lecture, a Chinese student volunteered to clean the blackboard.)Professor: Thanks a lot. That’s a great help.Student:

A) Never mind.

B) No, no.

C) You’re welcome.

D) It’s my duty.

Q3:3.Bob和David是旧邻居。(Bob and David are former classmates.)Bob: I’ve got a job.David: You haven’t!By saying this David means:

A) Really?

B) You’re joking.

C) Impossible.

D) No, you haven’t got the job.

Q4:4.在回家的路上,Tom碰见他的中国朋友李华。(On the way home, Tom met with his Chinese friend Li Hua.)Li Hua: Hi, why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday?Tom: My mother was ill.Li Hua:

A) It’s doesn’t matter.

B) I’m sorry to hear that

C) Never mind.

D) My god.

Q5:5.Joyce正在和她的朋友Breda交谈。(Joyce is talking to her friend, Breda.)Joyce: I wonder if you’d mind posting this letter for me on your way home, Breda?Breda:

A) You’re welcome.

B) I don’t care.

C) Yes, sure.

D) Never mind.

Q6:6.在一家工厂里,Li在为一群外国来宾做随身翻译。当他们参观完一工作间后,他想叫那些来宾跟他去下个工作间。于是,他说:(In a factory, Li, the guide, is interpreting for a group of foreign guests. When they have finished visiting one workshop, he would like the group to follow him to the next workshop. He says,)

A) This way, please.

B) Come here!

C) Follow me!

D) Move on!

Q7:7.Li希望他的指导教授Mr. Smith能帮他修改一下申请书,于是他走进教授的办公室,说:(Li wanted to ask his advisor, Mr. Smith, to revise his application so he went to his office, entering the room and said,)

A) You’re not busy, I hope.

B) Got a minute.

C) Can I have a word with you, Mr. Smith?

D) I am sorry to interrupt you. You see I’ve never written a letter in English before, so I’ve probably made lots of problems.

Q8:8.小马是一位翻译。一天,一个外国旅客Mr. Brown对他说:(Hsiao Ma is an interpreter. One day a foreign visitor, Mr. Brown, talks to him.)Brown: Your English is quite fluent.Ma:

A) Thank you. It’s kind of you to say so.

B) No, no, my English is poor.

C) No, not at all.

D) Oh, no. Far from that. I still have a long way to go.

Q9:9.You are to be here by eight.” 说话者和听者之间的关系很可能是:(“You are tobe here by eight.” The relationship between the speaker and the hearer is probably:)

A) teacher and student.

B) husband and wife.

C) sisters.

D) friends.

Q10:10.Mr. Timms到达一次会议后才发现其被取消。(Mr. Timms has arrived for a meeting which, unfortunately, has been cancelled.)Mrs. Banks: I’m terribly sorry about not letting you know sooner, Mr. Trimms, but unfortunately it was cancelled at the last minute and there simply wasn’t enough time to inform everyone.Mr. Timms:

A) Oh, don’t let it worry you, Mrs. Banks. I quite understand.

B) Oh, that’s OK, Mrs. Banks. I understand.

C) Oh, it doesn’t matter, Mrs. Banks.

D) Oh, don’t worry about it, Mrs. Banks.

Q11:11.Jack打电话到小宋的办公室。(Jack phones Hsiao Song’s office.)Jack: Hello, I’d like to speak to Song Hua, please. Song:

A) I’m Song Hua

B) This is Song Hua speaking

C) This is me.

D) It’s me here.

Q12:12.在(Mr. Smith)作完讲座后,李华走上讲台。(Soon after a lecture, Li Hua went on the platform.)Li Hua:

A) I really appreciate your lecture, Mr. Smith.

B) Dr. Smith, you’ve made a wonderful lecture.

C) You must be tired after the lecture. Have a rest.

D) Hi, it’s a very successful lecture!

Q13:13.假如某人向你提供你不喜欢的食物, 你可以说:(If someone offers you some food that you really don’t like, you might say:)

A) I’m fed up.

B) I don’t care for that.

C) Sure, I’d love some more.

D) Thanks, but I’m really full.

Q14:14.魏东在课室外见到英语老师 Dr Johns,然后说:(Wei Dong met his English teacher, Dr Johns, outside the classroom.)Wei:

A) Hi, Dr Johns.

B) Hello, teacher

C) Morning, Dr Johns.

D) Good morning, teacher Johns.

Q15:15.A and B 是邻居。(A and B are neighbors.)A: My cat knocked over my new vase this morning.

A) What a shame.

B) A shame.

C) Shame on you.

D) Shame!

Q16:16.在晚餐上:(At a dinner:)A: May I have the biscuits?

A) Sure (handing along the biscuits).

B) Yes. Help yourself.

C) Go ahead.

D) Yes, of course.

Q17:17.John和Brian在晨休喝咖啡。John不小心碰了一下桌子,使Brian的咖啡溅了一些出来。(John and Brian are having their morning coffee break. John accidentally shakes the table, causing Brian to spill some of his coffee.)John: Hang on! I will get you a serviette (餐巾).Here “Hang on!” means:

A) “Waite a minute.”

B) “Hold the cup.”

C) “Don’t worry.”

D) “Lift the cup.”

Q18:18.Mr. Green刚从学校电影院走出来,碰到Mr. Zhou。(Mr. Green has just come out of the school cinema and met Mr. Zhou.)Zhou: What do you think of the film?Green: I can’t praise this film too highly. By this, Mr. Green means:

A) The film is just so-so.

B) The film is not good.

C) The film is so good that it deserve (值得) high praise.

D) The film is OK, but it doesn’t deserve high praise.

Q19:19.小李在一家跨国电脑技术公司当秘书。一天,她工作到很晚,她的老板对他说:“Thanks a lot. That’s a great help.”小李回答:(Hsiao Li works as a secretary in the International Computer Engineering Corporation. One day she worked very late. Her boss said to her, “Thanks a lot. That’s a great help.” Hsiao Li replies: )

A) “It’s my pleasure.”

B) “Never mind.”

C) “You’re welcome.”

D) “Oh, it’s nothing.”

Q20:20.上的士后,你会对司机说:(In a taxi, you may say to the driver:)

A)Airport, please.

B) Excuse me, would you mind taking me to the airport?

C) Would you please take me to the airport?

D) Where is the airport?.


Q22:22、你认为话语色彩在跨文化中是否存在差异A、是 B、否

