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科普小知识2022-12-03 20:54:53

Dear students,

We appreciate your feedback in helping us to monitor and improve the quality of our classes,

please √ the boxes below. Score from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). Thank you for taking part in this

survey. Your comments are valued.




Q1:1. Does the teacher have a serious attitude towards the classes? 老师教学态度是否认真?

选项1 ★★★★★

Q2:2. Was the lesson well organized? 老师课堂准备是否充分?

选项1 ★★★★★

Q3:3. Was the aim or theme of the lesson clear? 课堂教学重点,主题是否明确,突出?

选项1 ★★★★★

Q4:4. Were the teacher’s instructions clear? 教师的课堂用语指引是否清晰?

选项1 ★★★★★

Q5:5. Does the teacher give feedback on your performance? 老师是否对您的课堂表现给予评语?

选项1 ★★★★★

Q6:6. Do you always attend the class on time and haveperfect attendance since last survey? (上次调查结束至今)您是否总能准时上课,做到全勤?

选项1 ★★★★★

Q7:7. Do you have active and serious attitude towards classes? 您觉得自己课堂表现是否积极认真?

选项1 ★★★★★

Q8:8. Do you always hand in homework on time?您是否每次都准时交作业?

选项1 ★★★★★

Q9:9. Comments or suggestions 意见或建议:
