IPP Survey
欢迎参加本次答题 : 背景信息:Basic Information:
Q1:您的单位名称:Company Name:
Q2:您的工作年限:How many years of experience do you have:
Q3:您当前的职位或头衔:Your title or position:
Q4:* 我们在此确认:所有您提供的信息,我们只用作我们的整合实践项目使用,不做其他用途。我们保证您在这里提供的所有信息和您的个人隐私不会被外泄给第三方!* We confirm that:All of the information will be only used for our IPP project purpose!We will keep your privacy and all of the information supplied here safe and confidential!
Q5:您所在公司雇员数是多少?How many employees are working in your organization?
Q6:您能否提供您所在公司每天的大致交易次数?Could you tell us the average total number of daily transactions for your company?
Q7:每天大致收到的订单数量?What is the approximate number for your daily orders?
Q8:您预期未来5年内您公司平均年总交易数量将会增加还是减少?根据目前的交易数量,是否可给出一个变化数量? Could you tell us how do you expect your companys average total number of daily transactions is going to change in 5 years? Will it increase or decrease? Could you estimate a number for 5 years later on daily basis?
Q9:您预期未来5年内您公司每天股票交易数量将会增加还是减少?根据目前的交易数量,是否可给出一个变化数量? Could you tell us how do you expect your companys average number of daily trades on equities market is going to change in 5 years? Will it increase or decrease? Could you estimate a number for 5 years later on daily basis?
Q10:您预期未来5年内您公司平均每天的外汇交易数量将会增加还是减少?根据目前的交易数量,是否可给出一个变化数量? Could you tell us how do you expect your companys average number of daily trades on FX market is going to change in 5 years? Will it increase or decrease? Could you estimate a number for 5 years later on daily basis?
Q11:您预期未来5年内您公司平均每天的期货交易数量将会增加还是减少?根据目前的交易数量,是否可给出一个变化数量? Could you tell us how do you expect your companys average number of daily trades on futures exchange market is going to change in 5 years? Will it increase or decrease? Could you estimate a number for 5 years later on daily basis?
Q12:目前贵公司使用何种系统进行交易: Which trading system do you use to execute trading orders
只有语音:Only voice
只有数据:Only data
Q13:如果与国外金融机构进行交易,您首选何种交易渠道: If you execute a trading order from foreign financial institution and you are given option to choose, which channel would be your preference?
语音 : Voice
Q14:目前您最常用何种方式获得金融市场讯息: Which channel do you use most frequently to obtain financial market information?
金融讯息终端:Financial information terminals
金融网站:Financial websites
分销商提供的软件系统:Special broker software systems
Q15:目前您查找核对金融市场讯息的时间间隔:例如每小时5次/每天一次等? Could you tell us how frequently do you check the financial market informations giving a specific time interval?(Ex: 5 times an hour, once in a day )
Q16:当您购买金融讯息服务时,您优先考虑的因素:请将如下因素从1到6排序:What is your priority when you purchase financial services generally? Please give your priority for the following items(from 1 to 6).
连接速度:Access speed
低延迟:Low latency
更多的全球金融讯息:More information from global
使用成本:Operation cost
一次性投入成本:Cost of one time investment
Q17:您怎么看待英国电讯(BT)?请用一句话简要描述它给您的印象:What do you think of BT? Give some simple words representing BT brand in your mind?
Q18:您是否了解英国电讯的金融服务?如无,请直接跳过第22题:Do you know what BT's financial services are? If no, please skip the Q22
否 : No
Q19:您是否知道BT的Radianz服务?: Do you know about what BT Radianz is?
否 : No
Q20:单行填空 您怎么看待IPC公司?请用一句话简要描述它给您的印象:What do you think of IPC? Give some simple words representing IPC brand in your mind?
Q21:您是否知道IPC公司的金融服务?Did you know about IPC's financial services?
否 : No
Q22:您所在公司是否有跨境或海外交易业务? Do your company has an overseas or cross border business?
否 : No
Q23:在您的工作环境中,您是否需要了解海外的金融讯息? In your work environment, do you need to know about overseas financial information?
否 : No
Q24:您的公司是否将海外股票作为投资工具? Does your company use overseas stocks as an investment instrument?
否 : No
Q25:您所在公司平均每天进行的海外市场交易数量是多少?: Could you tell us the average total number of daily trades with international markets for your company? What is the approximate number for your daily orders?
Q26:您预期未来5年内您公司平均每天的海外/全球股票交易数量将会增加还是减少?根据目前的交易数量,是否可给出一个变化数量? Could you tell us how do you expect your companys average number of daily trades with global markets on equities market is going to change in 5 years? Will it increase or decrease? Could you estimate a number for 5 years later on daily basis?
Q27:您预期未来5年内您公司平均每天的海外/全球外汇交易数量将会增加还是减少?根据目前的交易数量,是否可给出一个变化数量? Could you tell us how do you expect your companys average number of daily trades with global markets on FX market is going to change in 5 years? Will it increase or decrease? Could you estimate a number for 5 years later on daily basis?
Q28:您预期未来5年内您公司平均每天的海外/全球期货交易数量将会增加还是减少?根据目前的交易数量,是否可给出一个变化数量? Could you tell us how do you expect your companys average number of daily trades with global markets on futures exchange market is going to change in 5 years? Will it increase or decrease? Could you estimate a number for 5 years later on daily basis?
Q29:如您所在公司目前没有将*股票作为投资工具,您的公司是否有计划在未来与*证交所或金融机构进行交易? If your company does not use overseas stocks as an investment tool currently, are there any future plans on doing business with overseas stock exchange or financial institution?
否 : No
Q30:您预期未来5年内您公司平均每天的海外/全球交易数量将会增加还是减少?根据目前的交易数量,是否可给出一个变化数量? Could you tell us how do you expect your company's daily average number of trades with global markets is going to change in 5 years? Will it increase or decrease? Could you estimate a number for 5 years later on daily basis?
Q31:您是否考虑过采用英国电讯为您的公司提供与全球金融机构的通讯服务? Will you consider to select BT in order to connect your company with the financial institutions globally?
否 : No
Q32:您是否考虑过采用IPC公司为您的公司提供与全球金融机构的通讯服务? Will you consider to select IPC in order to connect your company with the financial institutions globally?
否 : No
上一篇: 电动自行车市场调查
下一篇: 北京工商大学恋爱状况调查