Welcome to the pre-seminar discussion, thank you for sharing your opinions with us!Q1:Q1:您关注下列哪些话题:(这个可以是多选题) Q1:What are the topics that you are interested in?(multiple choice)
食品安全事故频发,毒奶粉,苏丹红,这些就是食品安全的全部了吗?您是否了解食品安全涵盖了哪些内容? Serious food safety incidents, such as milk powders scandals, food additives incidents happen now and then. However is that all about food safety? What is the definition of food safety?
食品安全对哪些人群伤害最大?你的客户群里有这些类型的人吗?Groups that aremost at risk from food-borne illness? Are they part of your target customer?
大名鼎鼎的HACCP的起源和意义何在?What is the world famous HACCP?
越来越多的人加入敏感人群,你对过敏原了解吗?Do you know about allergens?
杜绝食品安全隐患 - 了解哪些地方容易出问题?What are the areas that are most at risk in a kitchen?
从案例中学习,食品安全事故案例分享Sharing of food safety incidents around the world.
想要做好后厨清洁,可是无从下手,哪里是关键点?What are the key areas to make sure the effective cleanliness of a kitchen?
你知道细菌的来源在哪里?加热就安全了吗?Where does the bacteria and microbial come from? Can heating lower the risks?
如何防范这些最常见的细菌?(大肠杆菌,金黄色葡萄球菌,沙门氏菌,肉毒杆菌等)How to prevent the common bacterial and microbial?
厨房里到处都是陷阱,哪些地方需要定期消毒?Which are the areas in a kitchen that need to be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis?
你知道吗?食品安全的十条诫命10 golden rules of food safety.
手部卫生在食品安全中意味着什么?你都做对了吗? What is the correct hand hygiene process? Do your staff do it right?
Q2:Q2:食品加工到底要不要戴手套?Q2: Is it necessary to wear gloves during food handling?
一定要带 Must
可带可不带 Optional
不需要带 No need
Q3:Q3:在您的厨房里,用纸还是用布?Q3: Do you use paper towel or rags in your kitchen?
纸 Paper towel
布 Rags/Cloth
两者都有 I use both paper towel and rags
Q4:Q4:您认为厨房里哪个污染源最值得关注? Q4: Which is the contamination source that you think need more attention?
食材/添加剂 raw material/food additives
人/双手 people/hands
抹布/厨房用纸 rags/paper
器皿/工具 containers/tools
Q5:Q5:您认为最合适的手部清洁的频率 Q5: What do you think is the correct hand wash frequency?
每半小时 every half hour
每次进入厨房前 every time entering the kitchen
用厕后 after using bathroom
其他 others
Q6:Q6:烦请填写阁下尊姓大名Q6: please write down your name here
Q7:Q7:烦请填写阁下联系方式Q7: Please fill in your contact number
Q8:Q8:烦请填写阁下公司/酒店名称 Q8: Please write down the name of your hotel or restaurant